Wednesday, June 12, 2013

ඇපල් නවතම මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධතිය....

   ඇපල් සමාගම ඔවුන්ගේ සම්මේලණයේදි තවත් ජනප්‍රිය මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධතියක් වන OSX වල නවතම සංස්කරණයත් ඉදිරිපත් කලා.ඒහි කැපි පෙනෙන වෙනස තමයි මෙතෙක් ඔවුන් භාවිතා කල නම් තැබිමේ සම්ප්‍රදාය වෙනස් කර තිබිමයි,ඒ ඔවුන් භාවිතා කල සතුන්ගේ නම් වෙනුවට මින් ඉදිරියට භාවිතා කරන්නේ California වේ  විවිධ ස්ථානවල නම් විමයි.ඒ අනුව නව සංස්කරනය "Mavericks" නම් වෙනව.මේ තියෙන්නේ ඒහි කැපිපෙනෙන වෙනස් කම් කිපයක්.

From current best sellers to classic literature to textbooks, it’s easy to find what you’re looking for at the iBooks Store. You can browse by title, author, or genre.

 Now you’ve got the whole world on your desktop. The Maps app lets you use every pixel of your display to explore new destinations, and it takes full advantage of the graphics power of your Mac. So zooming is incredibly smooth and responsive.
 Calendar is streamlined with a fresh new look and powerful features to go with it. Continuous scrolling lets the weeks and months flow by smoothly, so you can look at the last half of one month and the first half of the next one.

 Safari in OS X Mavericks delivers blazing performance and introduces breakthrough technologies. Innovative new features make it simple to return to sites you visit often — and discover new sites as well. Shared Links in the new Sidebar shows links posted by people you follow on Twitter and LinkedIn, so you can keep up with interesting new content.
Remembering your passwords can be a real pain. But now iCloud Keychain remembers them for you.

 There’s no longer a primary or secondary display — now each has its own menu bar, and the Dock is available on whichever screen you’re working on. You can have multiple app windows running on either display.
 Notifications let you see what’s up — and now they let you get things done, all without leaving the app you’re in. With OS X Mavericks, you can interact with your notifications, so you can reply to a message, respond to a FaceTime video call, or delete an email right from a notification.
  Finder Tabs help you declutter your desktop by consolidating multiple Finder windows into one. You could keep a tab for Documents, one for AirDrop, and one for Back to My Mac, all in a single Finder window.

 Tags are a powerful new way to organize and find your files, even documents stored in iCloud. Simply tag files you want to organize together with a keyword, like “Important.”

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